Drive It. Love It.

Just like you can rent a room or a house for a certain length of time, you can rent a car. With contract hire, the typical hire period is two or three years with a typical mileage limit of 10,000 miles a year (the car you choose, though, doesn’t have to be at all typical!). You’ll be responsible for the car’s upkeep, and once you reach the end of your hire period, you can get another new one!

Why is Satellite Finance right for me?

  • The initial deposit is low compared to the car’s value
  • All monthly repayments are fixed and very reasonable, so you’ll know exactly how much disposable income you have left
  • It’s possible to add a maintenance element into the agreement, to help you with any repair bills
  • All you have to do is choose the car you want or take your pick from our pretty darn good car deals and we’ll handle the finance
  • Our vehicle team is exceptionally experienced - they’ve got the best funding partners and they’ll get you the best rates