About Us

We’re not a bank. We’re your competitive advantage.

Here’s the first thing we know. Your business doesn’t need any kind of ‘one size fits all’ service, because your business isn't like every other one out there.

Here’s the second thing we know. No-one likes dealing with banks. The endless form-filling, the robotic responses, and the waiting… and waiting… 

Here’s the third thing we know. You didn’t go into work this morning to spend so much time sweating over spreadsheets, wondering how you can make ends meet, hit those goals, or action those plans. 

If growing or developing your business is on your agenda for this year, then sourcing finance is inevitable - and sourcing the best finance is essential. 

We’re Satellite Finance, the financial broker with all the years of experience you could ever need. We deliberately keep our team small to keep our service personal. That’s why our customers come back again and again. And again. We’ll never treat you like a number, because that would drive you up the wall and you deserve better. If you call us, you speak to a human (we can assure you we are all human).

We know asset finance, loans, leasing, hire purchase, factoring, and commercial mortgages inside out. We work with businesses of all sizes across all sectors, so our market knowledge is truly top-notch. Our direct relationships with over 40 banks and lenders have allowed us to facilitate the lending of more than £100 million to over 4,500 customers in 10 years. 

We knew how to source the right finance for them, and we know how to source the right finance for you.

How It Works

1You take the eligibility test - all you need is a couple of minutes. Our acceptance rate is exceptionally high, so even if the bank said no, we could still say yes.

2If you're eligible, we'll then handle all the paperwork and legwork for you. We'll speak to all the appropriate lenders to find the very best deals on the market for you.

3We explain all of the details and terms to you, and you choose your deal.

4The money you need can be in your account within 24 hours (depending on the type of finance you've opted for) ready to be invested into your business.

5Your cash flow gives you a big thumbs up and you can stop being a slave to the spreadsheet and chasing debts.

6The more you grow, the more we can help. A massive 40% of our customers are repeat customers.

The Head Honchos

Sam McShane

Commercial & Marketing Director

Sam has worked in the asset finance industry for over 22 years. Having spent 10 years with a major high street bank as a Regional Manager and as a National Accounts Director and Sales Director for two other brokerages before seeing sense and buying into Satellite Finance in 2011. Sam specialises in asset finance solutions and has a broad background in all areas of finance. In his spare time Sam enjoy's a game of golf and spending time with with his young family.

Jon Beese

Finance and Operations Director

Some people just don’t get numbers, but Jon is not one of those people. He loves nothing more than getting his hands and elbows dirty in difficult funding situations and has worked with too many little and large businesses to count. He fancies himself as a golfer and openly admits to supporting Newport County Football Club.

Jon Williams

Sales Director

Jon talks a good talk, but only because he delivers on it. His varied background has given him a mountain of knowledge of setting up and managing vendor programmes for large suppliers. He loves a round (or three) of golf, playing in the snow on a pair of skis, and cherishing quality time with his family.

Paul Smith

HR Director

Paul deals with HR but worked in the finance sector for 15 years before moving into the broker market.